Do these exercises to prepare for Crossfit Murph - Hyperwear

Do these exercises to prepare for Crossfit Murph

To effectively prepare for the CrossFit Murph WOD, you should focus on exercises that build the specific strength, endurance, and cardiovascular capacity required for the workout. Many of these movements patterns are already found in your regular programming but do these exercises to prepare for Crossfit Murph.

If you aren't familiar with the Murph WOD or need tips on surviving the grueling workout go HERE first.

Don't hesitate to modify these moves like walking intervals instead of running, supine under bar pull ups, elevated box push ups or bench squats.  

Here's a breakdown of exercises targeting the key components of Murph:

1. Running

  • Long Distance Runs: Incorporate 2-3 mile runs to build endurance.
  • Interval Training: Do sprint intervals (e.g., 400m sprints) to improve speed and recovery.
  • Hill Runs: Add hill runs to increase leg strength and cardiovascular endurance.
  • Fartlek Training: Incorporate speed play into your runs, alternating between sprints and jogs.
  • Treadmill Incline Runs: Use the incline feature to simulate hill runs and build leg strength.

2. Pull-Ups

  • Strict Pull-Ups: Focus on form and full range of motion to build strength.
  • Kipping Pull-Ups: Practice kipping to increase the number of pull-ups you can do in a set.
  • Negative Pull-Ups: Slowly lower yourself from the bar to build strength, especially if you're struggling with standard pull-ups.
  • Band-Assisted Pull-Ups: Use resistance bands for assistance if you're unable to do bodyweight pull-ups.
  • Wide-Grip Pull-Ups: Focus on widening your grip to target the lats differently.
  • Chin-Ups: Perform pull-ups with palms facing you to engage the biceps more.

3. Push-Ups

  • Standard Push-Ups: Build volume and endurance by doing multiple sets.
  • Diamond Push-Ups: Target the triceps more effectively by placing your hands close together.
  • Incline/Decline Push-Ups: Change the angle to target different muscle groups and increase difficulty.
  • Spiderman Push-Ups: Bring your knee to your elbow during each rep to engage the core and obliques.
  • Plyometric Push-Ups: Add an explosive element by pushing yourself off the ground between reps.
  • Plank Hold: Simply hold a plank on hands or elbows to improve core strength which is critical for good form push-ups. 

4. Additional Upper Body Exercises

  • Dumbbell Rows: Build back and bicep strength, contributing to better pull-up performance.
  • Dips: Strengthen your triceps, chest, and shoulders, which are crucial for push-ups.

5. Squats

  • Air Squats: Focus on form, ensuring depth and consistency in each rep.
  • Weighted Squats: Use a barbell or dumbbells to build strength.
  • Jump Squats: Add explosiveness and power to your squatting movement.
  • Goblet Squats: Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell at chest height to add resistance and improve balance.
  • Pistol Squats: Work on single-leg strength and balance, which can improve overall squat performance.

6. Vest Training

  • If you plan to wear a vest for the Murph, gradually incorporate it into your training:
    • Vest Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats: Get used to the additional weight with the core exercises.
    • Vest Runs: Start with shorter distances and build up to ensure comfort and endurance.
    • Vest walking or rucking: daily or weekly weighted walks will help build strength with low impact cardio strength training

6. Core & Stability Training

  • Planks: Build core stability and endurance.
  • Sit-Ups: Increase core strength to support the other exercises.
  • Hollow Rocks: Improve core control and stability.
  • Leg Raises: Lie on your back and raise your legs to strengthen the lower abdominals.
  • Russian Twists: Sit on the floor and twist your torso side to side with a weight for oblique strength.

7. Endurance and Conditioning

  • Burpees: Combine a squat, push-up, and jump into one movement for full-body conditioning.
  • Box Jumps: Develop power and speed with explosive leg movements.

8. Full-Body Movements

  • Thrusters: Combine a front squat with an overhead press, using a Sandbag or SandBell
  • Wall Balls: Perform a squat followed by throwing a medicine ball or SteelBell up against a wall to build coordination, strength, and endurance.

9. Recovery

  • Yoga: Enhance mobility, flexibility, and recovery.
  • Active Recovery: Engage in low-intensity activities like swimming, cycling or rucking weighted walking on rest days.
  • Deep Tissue Massage or Self-Myofascial Release: Use massage or foam rolling to aid muscle recovery and flexibility.

By incorporating these exercises into your training regimen, you'll be well-prepared to tackle each segment of the Murph with confidence. Remember, consistency is key, and gradually increasing the intensity and volume of your workouts will help you build the necessary endurance and strength for this challenging WOD.

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